{{model.texts.comments}}: This is the only hotel in Niagara Falls, Canada with an Eiruv set up between the hotel and the Jewish Tourist Centre (which allows carrying in the public domain on Shabbat). Thus, we recommend that visitors stay at the Four Points Sheraton, where Shabbat keys are also available; please make note that you are from the Jewish group to ensure a Shabbat Key. 4 minutes walk from Chabad Niagara.
{{model.texts.comments}}: This is the only hotel in Niagara Falls, Canada with an Eiruv set up between the hotel and the Jewish Tourist Centre (which allows carrying in the public domain on Shabbat). Thus, we recommend that visitors stay at the Four Points Sheraton, where Shabbat keys are also available; please make note that you are from the Jewish group to ensure a Shabbat Key. 4 minutes walk from Chabad Niagara.